Bluemix Developers In Cambridge Meetup

I was happy to have been asked to present at the Bluemix Developers In Cambridge Meetup in July. Here is the presentation that I shared on my experiences using Bluemix with Python. It included moving a Python Django application from Heroku to Bluemix. 

As part of the workshop I covered how to:

• Determine the right delivery solution (Paas, IaaS, SaaS) for your business problem.

• Choose a programming stack and PaaS provider.

• Move your app on to Bluemix

• Collaborate and continuously deliver with DevOps Services

It was an interactive event with lots of great questions.  There is another Bluemix Meetup scheduled for Wed September 17, 2014 in Cambridge at the IBM Innovation Center, 1 Rogers Street Cambridge MA.  Hope to see you there.